Carlos Pereyra

Power of Bicycles

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My target 20000 kms

Goals are dreams with deadlines

I have been a goal oriented person all my life. It gives me a purpose to have a deadline so I can really plan and focus on the final result. 

The World Bicycle Relief has always been really close to my heart. Seeing upclose what FK and his Team have achieved gives me a purpose. Being able to buy those Buffalo Bikes and knowing what those bikes will do for some people gives me a huge sense of acomplishment. 

My passion for bikes and running meet in this cool project. It is easy for me to sign up for the 2024 Chicago Marathon and run it in October, but running the Marathon knowing that I am doing something special makes it 1000 better. 

I believe in the Power of Bicycles and their ability to change the world. Please consider supporting my personal fundraising efforts to help mobilize individuals in rural developing countries. Just $165 helps put a brand new bike in the field and forever changes the trajectory of an individual's life.

Spread the word by sharing this page with others who may want to donate to help individuals challenged by distance. 

Thank you for your support!

Thank you to my supporters


Kayla B

Hope you've been well! Good luck!!!


Jim Marshall

Good on you dude.

