Miriam Eisinger

Power of Bicycles

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Your donation will provide bicycles that change lives.

I believe in the Power of Bicycles and their ability to change the world.

Bicycles are awesome and they are a crucial form of sustainable transportation. Now imagine they could also make communities more resilient and empower individuals in rural areas to access education, health care and economic opportunities. Well ... they can!

In October I am running my first marathon. While I strive to become stronger and more resilient myself, I fundraise to empower especially women and girls in rural communities around the globe. 165$ helps to put a bike in the hands of an individual and to remove one barrier which stops them from reaching their goals – distance.

Every dollar helps and is greatly appreciated! Spread the word by sharing this page with others who might be interested and want to donate.

Your support means the world. Thank you! Β 

Thank you to my supporters



Ich bin SO STOLZ auf dich!! Und sehr beeindruckt! Fühl dich doll umarmt <3


Scale Marketing


Ruthie Newcomer

Cheers to you, Miriam! XO!


Lisa Neidl

Running so others can ride :) Tolle Aktion! Ich wünsche dir ganz viel Spaß beim Lauf 🌻


Felix & Hanna

Wohooo Miri you rock!!


Bill Maheras



Your going to destroy that marathon!!!


Missy Wilson

GO MIRIAM!!!!!!!!!!


Cary Yorn

Run whatever speed you want!



Have fun liebe liebe Miri <3333



Go Miri! Danke für diese super-tolle Aktion! Wir wünschen dir ganz viel Erfolg, Spaß und Motivation bei dem Marathon <3! Lukas & Miri


Leonie Schuler


Sarah & Noel

Ein Fahrrad um die Welt ein kleines bisschen besser zu machen und paar Fröschle für die MMM (Miriams Marathon Motivation)!! Go, Milli-Muh, go! Wir sind stolz auf dich <3



Go Milli 😘


Manu & Peter

Hallo Miri, tolle Sache πŸ‘ du rockst den Marathon πŸƒ fester Drugger aus πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ LG Manu & Peter ❀️



Grüße von Hochdorf


Sasi & Tobi

Go Miri! Unsere Daumen sind gedrückt und wir sind sehr stolz auf dich!❀️ Sasi & Tobi


Selin Varol


Miriam Eisinger