Michael King

Power of Bicycles

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Your donation will provide bicycles that change lives.

I believe in the Power of Bicycles and their ability to change the world. I am getting to live my dream of participating in Unbound Gravel with the 200 mile route and would love to be able to help others live theirs. It has been one of my dreams to be able to compete in Unbound Gravel and after countless years of trying to win the lottery I finally have and can’t wait to do this adventure. Riding a bicycle is something that most of us take for granted as it is something that we’ve had our whole life. There are so many benefits to cycling but one of the biggest is transportation. Being able to commute by bike to work, school, the park, or just to meet up with friends is something the not everyone has access to. Many of these people end up having to walk miles and miles for the same things we have at our fingertips. Imagine giving up your car and bicycle and having to walk everywhere for a day or week. There are so many who have to do this everyday just to go to school or just to get food or healthcare. Now imagine how much better it would be by bicycle. Please consider supporting my personal fundraising efforts to help mobilize individuals in rural developing countries. Just $165 helps put a brand new bike in the field and forever changes the trajectory of an individual's life.

Spread the word by sharing this page with others who may want to donate to help individuals challenged by distance. 

Thank you for your support!

Thank you to my supporters




Jack And Joy

Best of luck! Ride on!


Janet Tiampo

Friend of Laura and Sarah


Mary Finn


Eileen Macelroy


Daphna Lubkin

Great job Mike!!


Ash & Andy

Go Michael! Sending all the good vibes from Chicago!


Emily Casey

Ride like the wind Mike!



Good Luck!!!!


Hilary Studin

Go Mike!!


Kevin & Ana

Don’t forget water!



Have fun Mike!!


Ben B

Best of luck, Mike!


Berkman-bryant Family


Michael Hutchinson

Good luck!


Pamela Derickson

Go Mike!!!! Wishing you the best.


Shannon And Paul Mcdonald

Enjoy the ride! We are so proud of you!


Martha Winfield

Good luck!


Sarah Coleman


Troy & Nat & Holly

Go Mike!!!!


Ryan Hanson

Enjoy the ride.


Madeleine Coleman

Go Mike!




Nika Sheynberg


Michael King