Your donation will empower people to change their life with a bicycle
Our team members have joined forces to mobilize individuals in rural regions who are challenged by distance. Together, we’ll make an even bigger impact than we could on our own.
Please help us support World Bicycle Relief by making a donation. A donation of $165 helps provide and sustain strong, reliable bicycles for those who need them most. Spread the word by sharing this page with others who may want to donate to help individuals challenged by distance.
Thank you for your support!
Thank you to our donors

Peter Fischer


Nrk & Pk
Happy Birthday, Schussi

Astrid And Pierre
Happy 60th, thanks you your invitation see you soon.

Happy 60 - Danke für die Einladung. Dani Valentina Lara und Tim

Susanne Huster & Jens Müller & Gisela

Helga Und Manfred
Viele Grüße aus Minsing.

Johanna Lasotta
Happy Birthday & tolle Spendenaktion. Johanna & Steven

Amelie Fischer
Von Wolfi, Gabi, Amelie und Felix

Beate Und Harald
Wir freuen uns auf das Wochenende im Schwangau. Wir unterstützen dich und das World Bicycle Relief sehr gerne 😍

Ursula & Hansi
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum 60.! Vielen Dank für die Einladung, wir freuen uns.

Spende anlässlich Gerds 60. Geburtstag