Watershed School - Power of Bikes

Power of Bicycles

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Power of Bicycles

Your donation will provide bicycles that change lives

Our team members have joined forces to mobilize individuals in developing countries who are challenged by distance. Together, we’ll make an even bigger impact than we could on our own.

Please help us support World Bicycle Relief by making a donation. It’s fast, easy, and secure - and your support will deliver The Power of Bicycles to individuals and communities in need. Spread the word by sharing this page with others who may want to donate to help individuals challenged by distance. 

Thank you for your support!


Our Organisation Teams


Thank you to our Sponsors


Ellen Amato


Abigail Amato


P & J Murton


Addrienne Amato


Gary & Joanne Moulton

Best Wishes!


Craig Amato


Galen Murton


Kelly Cope Russack


Amy Connery


Ashley Amato

What a great project! Good luck


Marnie Adamson


Andrea Amato


Jenna Buffaloe


Robb Gushiken


Matt Robinson

Bikes for everyone!




Shahar Link




D'ann Boal


Tim Breen & Julie Yates

Great work Watershed 8th graders and WBR.


Michael Behar


Luke Robbins


Julie L Grayson


Polly Bennell


Marilee Childs


Desirae Pierce


Samantha Beech


Nadine Plachta


Amy Robbins


The Bierman Family


Hannah Nelson