Michael O'Brien

Power of Bicycles

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Your donation will provide bicycles that change lives.

Help change lives through The Power of Bicycles

One bicycle can radically change a life.  To most of us, distance is an inconvenience easily overcome with a car (or bus, or subway).  But in developing countries, distance is often a devastating barrier that keeps kids from going to school, health workers from healing the sick, and farmers from bringing their produce to market. 

Few problems have simple solutions.  And many causes require substantial investments to start seeing returns.  But with World Bicycle Relief, one bicycle is only $147, so ANY amount given quickly adds up to a life changed.  

Over the past several years, the generosity of my friends has been overwhelming.  Together we have changed over 350 lives.  The more people we touch, the more energized I am to keep going and change more.  

Please join me in helping change the world!  



Thank you to my supporters


Carol Morgan


Carol Morgan


Matching Funds


Michael O'brien + Matching Funds


Michael O'brien

Thank you Dr. Shapiro!


Matching Funds - Michael O'brien


Christine Solanzo

Keep up the great work, Michael! Such a great cause.


Michael Clemmons


Marc Andonian


Caitlin Jones


Anonymous .


Gartner Matching Funds





Michael, Great success in your endeavors. Jim T


Michael O'brien

Thanks Alex B!


Sidney Blashock

Thank you for sharing this Michael! It is incredible what you are doing!


Michael O'brien


Chuck Price

Happy Birthday Michael! GREAT cause!


Tanner Norrick


Madison Dagan

Happy Birthday, Michael. Thanks for making an impact on me and supporting changing lives around the world.


Jennifer Mitchell


Skylar Frazier

Happy Birthday Michael! You exemplify what it means to be an all around great human. Honored to know you and learn from you!


Fabrizio Zanardo

Michael, you always remind me of why I love humanity: care, generosity, courage. Thank you


Gregory Chi


Lisa Roger


Andrew Hanus

Happy Birthday to Michael O'Brien! A pleasure to work with you and an honor to support such a cause. - Cheers, Andrew


Leah Crockett

Happy Birthday Michael!! Thank you for always being an advocate for others and for all the great work you do for those around you <3


Vellore Rao


Candace Pequigney

Thank you for all you do! Such a great cause!


Todd Hart

Happy Birthday!!


Funds Raised Before 2023