Grace Rollins

Power of Bicycles

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Sponsor my bike commute challenge and give bikes that change lives

This year I made a commitment to ride my bike to work at least once every week. So far I've grunted it out each week–7 hilly miles each way, in the elements and often in the dark!

While I see my commute as a fun physical and mental challenge, I recently learned through World Bicycle Relief that for some people, the ability to bike a few miles into town would be a life-changing privilege

In rural developing areas, access to a bike can mean the difference between getting a job, finding an education, bringing goods to market, or receiving medical care. A sturdy, long-lasting bike costing just $165 can set people free from the challenges of distance, empowering them socially and economically for years on end. 

In this spirit, my clinic Bridge Acupuncture is partnering with World Bicycle Relief for a holiday fundraising challenge. Let’s raise enough to put 30 people on bikes in high-need areas around the world!  

To help raise awareness for this fundraiser, I’m pledging to ride my bike EVERY DAY I come to work during December 2023. Sponsor my commute with any amount you can afford, and let's make an impact with the Power of Bicycles. 

Follow my bike commute adventure on instagram @moxafox and @bridgeacupuncture! 

Thank you for your support!

Grace Rollins, MS, LAc

Owner, Bridge Acupuncture

My Updates

Fundraiser success!

Wednesday 3rd Jan
Hi everyone, 
Last week I completed my last couple of "challenge" rides in the rainy weather. A little bit of rain was really not a problem-- I would say that overall I lucked out as regards the weather. More tough than anything was the time management to fit in all of those commutes--including all of the layering and unlayering! 

I was very happy to see people continuing to make donations through the last week of our fundraiser, bringing us up to $4557 total, which was very near to our original goal!

I'm so proud of this community for what we were able to bring together to support World Bicycle Relief!

Thank you for your part-- and please have a healthy and happy New  Year!


Week 3 update!

Thursday 21st Dec
Hi friends! Now at over $3700, we are getting pretty near our fun-drive goal which is so cool! I can't thank you enough for your help. So far the weather has been favoring me for my commute days and I've been enjoying the bright morning sunshine and the bright holiday light displays. Just a few more rides to go! Wish me luck! -Grace

Exciting update!

Wednesday 6th Dec
I'm so excited that today we reached the exact half-way mark of our goal of 30 bikes! I can't thank everyone enough for the support you've leant to this humble fundraiser. 

I've started my December bike commutes and so far so good. Even though it's just hovering above freezing this week (and was snowing a little today!) I'm usually sweating by the time I get to work. Be sure to check out my instagram page @moxafox if you're into nerdy updates on my rides. Today I went full nerd-- didn't even bother to put on sports glasses for my ride! 

Also if you're a Strava person you can check my rides out by searching my name on Strava. 

More updates to come! Let's do this! 

I'm so impressed!

Thursday 30th Nov
We've already raised over $1200 so far, I'm so grateful for everyone who has already contributed! 

Yesterday was my usual weekly bike commute day-- it was only 25 degrees when I left my house in the morning, but believe it or not I was overdressed and sweating by the time I was half way to work. A little paranoia about the cold got me to layer up a bit too much! 

One thing I love about the weekly commutes (which I've been doing for a couple of years now) is that it keeps me exposed to the elements, even when the temperature is uncomfortably low or high. The fact that my "bike commute challenge" is falling in December will make it that much more of a challenge! 

Trade secret: when it's subzero, at LEAST two balaclavas! 

Next week I start the weekly commutes, wish me luck-- and share my challenge so that we can reach our goal of distributing 30 new life-changing bikes! 


Thank you to my supporters


Maryfaith Mcgorry


Rodger Park


Pure Health Acupuncture Llc


Bridge Acupuncture


Chris Heerschap


Geoffrey Prudhomme


Elizabeth Asplundh


Mindy Cohen


Christine Spiro

What a wonderful way to bring awareness and help with a healthy way of exercise and life opportunities. Blessings to you and thank you for giving us the opportunity to be part of it.


Mike And Barbara Soroker


Bruce Salkovitz


Heidi Seeman


William Laviano

Think of bicycles as rideable art that can just about save the world. – Grant Petersen


Meg Del Prete

Great cause Grace!


Grace Rollins


Beth Kurteson

Go Grace! Great cause. Best of luck!


Scott Macpherson



Jane Sweeney


Sarah Martin


Anne Smith

Proud to support you after all the ways you support others.






Nancy Stock-allen

For Grace Rollins challenge from Bridge Acupuncture.


Dave Morin

Best of luck!


Lori Rott


Catharine Duncan


Naomi Mcauliff

Be safe!


Chris Klein


Elaine Kraft

Go Grace!!


Sherry Trovas

Excellent cause. Best wishes. Happy Holidays.


Chris Walter

Rock On :)


Irina Clark

Lots of luck!


Allison Jenkins

I love my bike. I love freedom. I love work! So glad for this good cause.


Ian K


Doria Lenicky


Denise Marshall


Liz Wyckoff

An honor to support you in this effort, Grace. Cheers to decent weather, fair winds and safe riding.


Andrew Miles


Bridge Acupuncture


Grace Rollins